A plant-based diet works well for me, and has done so since I started eating this way in 2016. And while I don’t honestly know if the same could be true for everyone, I have no problem sharing some of the recipes that I concoct along the way, in case you’re curious to try some of the wide variety of creative foods and recipes available made entirely from plants.
My recipes aren’t always the most healthy nor the most whole-food centric, but know that I won’t share them unless they’re tasty. Assessing the nutritional quality and deciding whether or not it’s a good fit for your stomach is up to you.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t start the whole vegan thing for health, nor did I do it because I suddenly stopped liking meat. I started eating more plants because I realized that my decision to eat meat wasn’t just my own decision, there were others involved in it too: the animals, of course! Pigs, cows, chickens.. are they so different from our beloved household pets? Why is it that we kill one but love the other? Ending the life of an animals so that I can have a meal.. is that right? These are the questions that I asked myself and had no good answer for.
When I am with an animal, I feel that there is someone there – someone home – looking out and back at me, not so unlike us, really – except animals are much more at peace with themselves than humans are.
I’m not perfect; nobody is. We’re all entrenched in systems that are harmful to animals or the environment on some level. It’s really about trying one’s best to reduce the amount of harm that our choices cause, and as practicable as possible. The easiest way to ensure our choices cause less violence and less harm to animals starts on our plate: what we eat – a conscious choice we make everyday – a decision we have to make, since we have to nourish our bodies.
So I encourage you to try Veganism or plant-based food. Make some recipes, and get to know it on a first name basis.
Changing the world is as simple as changing the choices you make and the reasons you make them.
That is veganism to me, and my rather long-winded response.
That Vegan Nephew