Watermelon simply on its own has to be one of the most refreshing and invigorating foods in existence. This mint watermelon recipe, however, takes the refreshing nature of this melon to another level: enjoy all the robust juiciness of freshly cut watermelon wedges but paired with the innate cooling and bright herby flavor of fine minty ribbons. And to top it all off, a lemon and ginger syrup, a sour and spicy compliment to the platter of sweet mint watermelon. So if you’re looking for a way to elevate your rubicund watermelon chunks this summer, this mint watermelon dish is for you.

Two watermelons cannot be held under one arm.”
– Turkish Proverb
How Do You Cut A Watermelon?
This is really the crux of this mint watermelon dish – the cutting the watermelon, of course. We all know that cutting a watermelon can be a laborious and slippery chore, but I’m going to show you a couple ways to cut the melon efficiently, so that you can get this part over with.
Here’s one way to do it, and the steps listed below is another way, too.
1. It’s a good idea before you even cut into the melon to wash/scrub the outside skin well.
2. Lay the watermelon on its side, and then cut it into a 3 – 4 inch thick circular slices. Cut those circular slices into half moons, and then cut around the curved inside of the rind, freeing the juicy red meat from the green/white boarder of the rind.
3. Cut the red watermelon flesh into a grid, yielding delightful full-bodied chunks, and then store the chunks in a large Tupperware in the fridge until chilled, about 2 hours or so.
Maybe you have a better way of cutting a watermelon – if so, let me know in the comments!

If you focus on only the seeds in a watermelon, you missed the sweetness of the meat.”
– Wally Amos
How Do You Make A Lemon & Ginger Syrup?
Well, this is a very minimal effort on your part; you don’t even really have to “make” a syrup at all. Rather, combine lemon juice, microplaned ginger root and real maple syrup together in a medium bowl. That’s it. No reducing or boiling required, really.
Be sure that when you do make this lemon and ginger syrup for the mint watermelon that you do use a real maple syrup, rather than a synthesized high-fructose corn syrup version. Natural and organic maple syrup has a very nutty and mildly sweet flavor, as well as a more pleasant viscosity, too. Although, it also tends to be more expensive..

All I want is a ravishing watermelon; titillating my tongue beyond the point of no control.”
– Nikhil Parekh
How Do You Chiffonade Mint?
Chiffonade is a french word meaning to cut something into fine ribbons. Doing so with the mint in this watermelon dish will ensure that you can more consistently delicious bites of mint watermelon, as well as more pretty and confetti-like strips of mint to don the top of your glorious chunks of melon.
Chiffonade sounds fancy, but it takes no special equipment or skill, and you can use it for any assortment of leafy green herbs and veggies, beyond just mint.
1. Wash and lightly dry the mint leaves before cutting them. Careful not to squishy or press too hard on the leaves in the process; when the chlorophyll packets inside a mint leaf break, they become very bitter.
2. Starting from biggest to smallest, stack the mint leaves inside one another, until they’re all perfectly in alignment and you have a neat little stack of mint leaves.
3. Now, starting on one side, compactly roll the mint leaves, until you have a very tight mint cylinder (like a mint doobie, of sorts). Keep your hand resting on the cylinder to prevent it from unfolding.
4. Now, use your knife to chop cross-wise across the cylinder, creating about 1/8-inch cuts all along the cylinder. This should yield beautiful little strips of mint once you’re done – a perfect garnish for this mint watermelon dish.

A watermelon that breaks open by itself tastes better than one cut with a knife.”
– Hualing Nieh Engle
Looking To Cool Off?

Life is like eating a watermelon, you know you’re going to get some seeds; just spit them out and take another bite.”
– Jeff Steinmann
Did you enjoy this mint watermelon? Consider leaving me a recipe rating (clicking on the stars) or comment before you go – it helps me immensely!
Mint Watermelon with Lemon & Ginger Syrup

- 1 watermelon, cut into large chunks
- 10 – 12 mint leaves, chiffonaded into fine ribbons
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice, plus the zest from one lemon
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup, the real stuff
- 1 tablespoon ginger root, finely grated (microplaned if possible)
- Begin by cutting the watermelon into nice, large chunks. Store the chunks in a large container in the fridge so that they become cool and crisp (optional). After that, fill a decently sized platter with some of the watermelon chunks, and garnish them with the fine ribbons of chiffonaded mint.
- Then, in a medium-sized bowl, combine together the lemon zest and juice, maple syrup, finely grated ginger root, whisking well until everything is cohesively incorporated. Ladle spoonfuls of this over individual bowls of mint watermelon, rather than on the platter itself.
May you have good food in good company,
That Vegan Nephew
Cameron, you are a flavor-genius, this is inspired!
Thank you, Amy! :~)